Why Do Cats Slap and Swat?

12 Min Read

Any cat lover would attest to the remarkable features that the domestic feline exhibits, that mostly entail playful and stealthy tendencies. One of these commonly inexplicable actions is the Cats Slap and Swat action that the cats will direct at people, objects, or other animals. However, every time their pet does this, it solicits a puzzled look from its owner since it leaves them asking themselves what runs in the mind of their pet. Let’s examine some reasons why cats tend to do this and what this means for their instincts, feelings and desires.

Hunting is a Cat’s Instinct

Diving deeper into the slapping and swatting action of the cats, this behavior is totally related to their innate sensation to hunt. No matter how spoiled indoor cats become, they will ever have the sexual gelt of these animals. In the player, their forepaws serve many survival-related functions:

  • Capturing their prey: Cats are predators by nature. In the jungle, they use their active forepaws to catch their prey. The prey is immobilized and stunned with a few quick slaps or swats before the stroke deals the final blow
  • Disorient or stun the food source: In a natural environment, before actually pouncing on the invested prey, a cat would paw at it to make it forget about its surroundings.
  • Testing how the pets would react to unknown objects: The cats are very inquisitive animals by nature so when they come across something new, the first thing they wish to do is to touch it with a steady hand. Hitting an object helps them to assess its danger, to find out if it is a target, or just for curiosity’s sake.

These instincts seem to be hard wired in them. When your domestic cat is about to pounce on some toys, or even your hand, it is also most likely a practice of these predatory tendencies. Even if their food is served to them in a bowl these days, they still have to hunt, and slapping some moving things about is one way of ensuring that such skills aren’t lost.

Communication and Borders Establishment

A cat cannot be referred to as excessive swatting only as a reflection of their hunting behaviors. Slap meaning can also function and even be very effective in relations with other animals, people included. Words have little meaning in a cat’s world, and therefore the mere act of using a paw to swipe at someone can in itself carry a lot of weight.

  • Over stimulation: Some of the reasons why a cat swats many fingers including perhaps yours at times can be overstimulation. And as though they purring or meowing conveys a request for a petting the act of slapping as twinge is further intended to express that they are done with whatever it was and want to be left alone.
  • Personal space: It is in a cat’s nature to place its paw down if an animal or a person gets too close. A person gets too close for comfort, the cat will swiftly swat which is their warning of “Back off! I need my space”.
  • Invitation to play: Putting your hands up and swatting strikes can also be done light- heartedly. Lightly hitting back at a cat is probably an encouragement for you to play. Feeling playful, cats hit objects or their mates and run away so that they are chased.
  • Mild irritation: An irritation can be a sleek slap that your cat uses to express how unhappy they are or how much they do not want you to annoy them. This might happen when your cat does not want to be petted or correct actions that your cat doesn’t like.
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As much as a swat tells you of a cat’s emotions, it is important to know when they have been slapped. Learning the emotions from each swat can come by watching the movement as well as how intense the swat strikes were.

At Play And Sport

Most of the younger cats do slap and swat just for this reason: they are satisfying their urge to play. These behaviors happen to their healthy evolution and also enable their growth as well.

  • Development of coordination: Cats learn to coordinate their movement using the paws. Battling or hitting object such as the moving ones improves their skills hence enhancing them as more coordinated and skillful hunters.
  • Releasing unspent energy: Cats are animals with a lot of energy, and in most cases, young ones are full of it. Toys are one of the means whereby seeking for something at an elevated angle and hitting it with all possible speed is very useful for the kittens. Many of the cats will be catching a ball or a piece of twine or even extend their claws toward any human hand as if to play with it.
  • Investigating their surroundings: Another thing which comes naturally to cats is their tendency to swat things and to bat any swat that they want to bat at. Whether it’s feathers or a laser pointer or simply a crinkly bag cats bat to figure things out. Suffice it to say the motion not only serves a functional need to dominate curiosity but fills a cognitive gap as well.

When you notice your cat is in smack everything mode as long as it is moving your cat is likely playing and that’s normal. Making sure that there are adequate toys and providing enough time for interactive play will help avoid this type of behavior from being too aggressive.

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Needing Attention

Some cats Then they value the power in slapping or swatting back, just for the sake of their human companions. This can easily develop into one of the wants:

  • Getting your attention: A cat might slap at youbecause it knows that this action will cause a reaction. Every cat owner will attest to the fact that cats are very keen on details and they have seen or learnt that a swat from them usually solicits some attention from you.
  • Asking for food or playtime: You sublimate your “scream” and use slapping instead. Sometimes, that’s their “Hey! Come and pay attention to me!” Cats might employ this when they ask for food, attention or even play.
  • Wanting to play: If your cat looks bored, do not be too surprised if the cat starts swatting at you to get your attention simply because they are bored. Just as humans do, cats require both mental activities and exercises. And as they don’t get it, they usually find means of achieving it, even if it entails swatting your hand to get a reactivity from you.

Defensive Strategy

All of the sudden, swatting can be very defensive when the feline cat has squabbled with his or her male counterpart or is feeling very threatened. Hissing is the most common sign:

  • Hissing
  • Growling
  • Flattened ears
  • Dilated pupils

A slap has been used in a negative way to caution someone. To put it in a more direct manner, it is your cat’s way of saying, “This is too much for me, please step away.” If the aggressor does not retreat, then rather than swatting, they might go for more force, even biting. It is crucial to understand the situation and the reasons for which a slap may be offensive to a cat during their self-defense process and why they should be given distance and support to recover from that process.

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Dealing With The Slapping Gesture

In the case of slapping or swatting making everything else impossible, there are a few measures that can be undertaken to help or redirect the behavior:

  • Toys that are engaging: Provide enough hunting toys to your cat to avoid going outside at any point of time and practicing its hunting instincts in a healthy manner. Such swatting and slapping can also be satisfied with some jigsaw-made toys, pleasure-based foods and artificial feathers.
  • Moderate boredom with physical and mental stimulation: Lack of attention can lead to excessive swatting. To help expend energy, cats should be played with frequently. Incorporate other types of activity such as climbing trees, scratching posts, or games, among others.
  • Respect boundaries: Identify the warning signs of overstimulation, and the mouse will be very grateful when you give it a break. Do not insist on playing with your cat when it has shown enough already.
  • Never punish your cat: Punishment for the characteristic feline activity of slapping does more harm than good. Instead, resort to positive reinforcement by providing toys and fervent praises when the cat is on its best behavior.

Consult a veterinarian or behaviorist: Nothing wrong if you have found out a disrespectful aspect of your cat’s behavior and want to bring it up. The discussion is likely to have positive effects in relation to your cat’s wellbeing.

Final Thoughts

Even when slapping and swatting may baffle or even alarm family members at times, these acts are simply because of surviving actions in a cat. Knowing the reasons for certain behavior further intensifies your relationship with your pet, therefore a solution to the issue of an aggressive cat is found. You can learn a lot about your cat’s world from their slaps whether they want to play, want to explore, or just want to be left alone.

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